Nadina LaSpina


VIDEOS I created and have uploaded on YouTube
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The following two videos were extracted from a longer video that I made years ago for a conference on "Claiming the Disabled Body."

This is my speech at the rally of 2018 Women's March on NYC. I extracted it from the video filmed by the Women's March Alliance of the the whole rally, I edited it and added captions. If you'd like, you can view the video of the whole rally on youtube.

The next video is of a speech I gave in 2009 at a rally in commemoration of the 19th Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, at the foot of Central Park, on July 26, 2009. At the rally, Alejandra Ospina videotaped a good part of my speech. Then, Nick Dupree pasted the incomplete speech together, added songs by singer/songwriter Elaine Kolb, and put it up on YouTube. The original video can still be viewed on YouTube. I decided to make this version, inserting the missing parts of the speech, and adding captions. What I said that day resonated with the people at the rally; I made references to injustices that were affecting the lives of many of those present. Unfortunately, my words still ring true today. Indeed, if any progress was made by us in the past years, it is right now under threat.

I made the following video for those who remember the '93 Disability Independence Day March, the first major Disability Pride March in the country, and for all those who never even heard of it. The background song is “Pride” by our great singer/songwriter Johnny Crescendo, who concluded the event with a concert.

And last is a a video I made right after Sep. 11, 2001. I went around wih my camcorder recording the horror, the shock, the grief. National ADAPT sent NYC ADAPT a solidarity banner and some of us went and placed it in Union Square, which had been turned into a huge memorial.

I'm also including here a few links to YouTube Videos made and uploaded by others,
where I can be seen and heard:

Neoliberal Assault on Disability Rights Panel discussion
New York University, Oct. 4, 2012

Interview from 2011 - Medicaid, ADAPT, etc.

Fighting for Single Payer
Private Health Insurance Must Go Demonstration, 12/11/09

The Disability Caucus of Occupy Wall Street
OCCUPY Gracie Mansion, Aug. 2012

OWS Disability Caucus activists (using wheelchairs)
shut down Broadway in front of Zuccotti Park




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MEMOIR - Such a Pretty Girl: A Story of Struggle, Empowerment ang Disability Pride
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- © Nadina LaSpina
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